NSGCB 482 Final Reflection

Paper Instructions

Question #1

There is a natural disaster (wildfire, flood) in your community. Based on your learning in the course, describe your role as a public health nurse in the emergency or disaster setting. Include the assessed needs of the community and the ethical implications of managing the disaster.

Question #2

What specific assignments or learning activities from this course did you find particularly beneficial? What do you feel could have been improved or added to your learning experience in this course?

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Question One

Disasters cause suffering and negatively impact individual’s and community members’ lives. Disasters such as wildfires or floods can lead to negative effects such as property destruction, homelessness, and even death. Therefore, healthcare professionals such as public health nurses should have adequate knowledge and capability to help disaster survivors go back to their usual and normal lives (Goniewicz et al.,2021). In addition, public health nurses should focus on being part of the rescue and care team, which can then use particular strategies for better outcomes. Public health nurses, therefore, have various roles to play in the emergency or disaster setting, such as in the case of flood, to help address the immediate healthcare needs of the disaster survivors and ensure that there is no disease spread in the settings.

One of the roles in such settings is carrying out assessment and triage, which involves collaborating with other members of the rescue team to assess the magnitude of the floods, the number of people impacted, and the immediate healthcare needs of the affected population. Such an action is then followed by prioritizing the survivors based on how severe their injuries are so that those who have life-threatening injuries can get the necessary care first (Sultan et al.,2020). As a public health nurse, I would also offer emergency medical care by providing basic medical care, first aid care, and support for individuals with various chronic conditions. Floods are known to cause waterborne diseases; therefore, as a public health nurse, I would also employ various aspects such as ensuring there is sanitation and safe water.

A needs assessment of the community during disasters such as floods is important for better response. Therefore, some of the assessed needs of the community include medical needs, which entail the individuals with various chronic conditions involved in the disaster and the injuries suffered during the disaster. Another need is the resources required for a complete mitigation of the disaster. Such needs assessed include medical supplies and the availability of adequate medical personnel to help during the disaster.


  • Goniewicz, K., Goniewicz, M., Burkle, F. M., & Khorram-Manesh, A. (2021). Cohort research analysis of disaster experience, preparedness, and competency-based training among nurses. PLoS One, 16(1), e0244488. https //doi.org/10.3390/jcm9103328
  • Sultan, M. A. S., Løwe Sørensen, J., Carlström, E., Mortelmans, L., & Khorram-Manesh, A. (2020, October). Emergency healthcare providers’ perceptions of preparedness and willingness to work during disasters and public health emergencies. In Healthcare (Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 442). MDPI. https //doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040442

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